Who will still fail the residence test? People who are not accepted as victims of trafficking before getting legal representation.

Post 74

“Today I met a woman who trafficked to the UK and forced into prostitution for 2 years. She was imprisoned for using a false passport. UK authorities didn’t accept she was trafficked. She was to be deported. THANKS TO LEGAL AID, I successfully challenged the decision in court. She was accepted as a victim of trafficking and now has refugee status.



THANKS TO LEGAL AID, I prevented a vulnerable 18 year old being deported for a relatively minor offence.


“Today I met an 18 y/o boy. He arrived in the UK aged 9. His mother abused him & he was taken into care. For lack of ID he had no income. He sold cannabis to survive, got 16 weeks in prison & faced deportation. THANKS TO LEGAL AID, I was able to prevent his deportation.”

THANKS TO LEGAL AID, I was able to represent a man who, as a child, was sexually abused in care.

Post 46

“Today I met a man in his 40s. At 8-9 years old he was sexually abused in care. He suffered ongoing psychological & dependency problems. THANKS TO LEGAL AID, I was able to bring a case on his behalf against the local authority and secure him some compensation.”

THANKS TO LEGAL AID, I was able to get a young man with mental health problems support from social services.

Post 40

“Today I met a young man leaving care. He had mental health problems and suffered neglect. Social services had excluded him from their offices and refused to help him. THANKS TO LEGAL AID, I was able to get a court order to order social services to help him to cope.”